Ring of the Evil Eye (+1) From the Deacons of the Deep bonfire in the Cathedral of the Deep turn around and head up several flights of stairs (with a red carpet).

Head through the swamp area, not far from the huge beast which leaps out at you there is the ring behind a tree. Lingering Dragoncrest Ring (+1) From the Halfway Fortress bonfire (Road of Sacrifices) head outside to the forest, follow the path down and turn left. Walk outside and turn right to find the ring hidden just round the corner on the ledge.
Leave the elevator and wait for another elevator which takes you even higher up. Head through the door on the right, through the large area and up the staircase which spirals to the left. Life Ring (+1) From the Road of Sacrifices bonfire turn around and head back into the stone building. Find the well to the left and the ring is hidden behind it. Take slight left heading uphill to what looks like a small wooden building. Poisonbite Ring (+1) From the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire at the Undead Settlement take the route leading down, run through the archway and past the enemies outside. You should be able to spot the white glow from across the landscape. Take a short run up and jump across the roof to the adjacent building where the ring is located. Continue to the rooftops area (where you can run across the roofs of the small buildings) - run to the edge of one of the roofs and position yourself on the wooden platform which has a ladder leading down below (see image above). Fleshbite Ring (+1) From the High Wall of Lothric bonfire head down two levels, drop down into the cell and head along the wall. Continue outside and the ring is by the graves. Ok, down to the ring locations for NG+1: Speckled Stoneplate Ring (+1) From the Cemetery of Ash bonfire follow the route leading left and through the waist high water. To obtain the trophy you must collect all original rings together with the + varieties as well. after you have beaten the game at least once and chosen to start a fresh (new game) run through. The rings with a plus (+) sign after their name can only be found in NG+ and beyond i.e. Players can equip up to four rings at once and there are three varieties of rings: Normal, +1, +2 and +3 forms.

For the benefit of new players, rings are an important item in Dark Souls 3 that allow you to gain overall benefits. There are 21 rings to collect on your second playthrough so make sure you make a note of the locations mentioned below and good luck finding all the rings. This guide will show you the location of all of the NG+1 rings in Dark Souls 3.