If you find a difference – write.ĪLSO LISTEN: If you get tired and learn the keys and utilities of the download and installation, it is possible to MAXIMALLY reduce the amount of the latest version of the studio being downloaded (especially this method is valuable if you want to install the installer on the flash drive to install on many computers). Therefore, the components in the Installer folder should be completely identical to those downloaded from Microsoft. Studio you can independently download from Microsoft. If you need the installer file cache – edit the cmd-file (everything seems to be clear there … but make a copy of this file and edit it … because if you change the distribution files, you stop helping others download the studio – you stop sid). ¢ Next, launch the studio installer by running Setup_ 1.cmd, where is the studio’s edition (Enterprise or BuildTools). ¢ If the installer does not have access to the Internet, then install certificates for the installer self-diagnosis by running Certificates_Setup.cmd ON THE NAME OF THE ADMINISTRATOR
If this happens, the installer may not have enough of what is in the distribution and errors may appear about the lack of some components ¢ It is better to disconnect from the Internet or block access to the Internet to the installer … so that the installer does not download the list of installed components for the most recent version … the one that may not yet be in the distribution. If you really need to “dig deep”, then at the time of installation, create a symlink on the folder with the distribution in the root of any hard disk.

¢ Do not download the distribution to a “very deep” folder (the length of the full name of the distribution folder should not exceed 44 characters) … if it exceeds (it doesnât know – didnât experiment) either it will be a bummer with the installation or the installer will try to extract some of the components from the Internet. Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1.1 (Enterprise, BuildTools) | 28.35 GB